Part 2. The proposed Neuron model

2.1.    Description of the neuron model used

  • Each neuron N has a threshold θn
  • Each neuron N receives input signal of intensity in
  • When the input signal intensity in is greater than or equal to the neuron's threshold θn , then the neuron fires with output signal intensity On

2.2.    In this neuron model, there are two types of neurons :

     (i) Binary neurons , which produce only binary output when activated;

If ia ≥ = θa , then Oa = 1 ; else Oa = 0

     (ii) Non-binary neurons , which produce output signal intensity equal to input when activated;

If ia ≥ = θa , then Oa = ia ; else Oa = 0

     Binary neurons are represented as circles while non-binary neurons are represented as squares.

Interactive examples

Binary neuron

Non-binary neuron

2.3.   Connection weights

  • Connections may exist between two neurons and the strength of the connection is termed as 'connection weight'
  • If neuron A has a downstream connection to neuron B , the 'connection weight' from A to B can be represented as wab
  • When the neuron A sends an output signal Oa to neuron B, the signal is amplified by a factor wab
  • When the input signal intensity ib is greater than or equal to the neuron B's threshold θb , then neuron B fires
  •      ie., the input signal to neuron B is :     ib = Oa * wab

Connections in binary neurons :

Input signal to Neuron B = output signal from A * ( connection strength from A to B)
ie., ib = Oa * wab
If ibθb , then Ob = 1 ; else Ob = 0

Connections in non-binary neurons :

Input signal to Neuron B = output signal from A * ( connection strength from A to B)
ie., ib = Oa * wab
If ibθb , then Ob = ib ; else Ob = 0

Interactive example

Binary neuron with connections

Non-binary neuron with connections

2.4.   Excitatory and Inhibitory connections

•   The signal from one neuron to another could be either excitatory or inhibitory.
•   An incoming inhibitory signal makes a neuron less likely to fire.
•   Excitatory connections have positive connection weights ,for example :   wab = 0.8
•   Inhibitory connections have negative connection weights ,for example :  wab = -1

Inhibitory connections :

Let Neuron B’s firing threshold θb = 1
An excitatory connection wab exists from neuron A to neuron B with connection weight 1
An inhibitory connection wcb exists from neuron C to neuron B with connection weight -1
If neuron A and neuron C fire at the same time , with output intensity 1 each, then :
Input to neuron B : ib = ( Oa * wab ) + ( Oc * wcb)
                        ib = ( 1 * 1 ) + (1 * -1 )
ib = 0
(The excitatory signal from A is cancelled out by the inhibitory signal from C)
Since ib < θb , neuron B doesn’t fire.

Interactive example

Inhibitory connections

2.5.   Synaptic steps in a Firing sequence

•   In a neural circuit, all neurons do not fire at the same time.
•   They fire in a sequential order, depending on the way they are connected to each other.
•   The upstream neurons fire first, followed by the downstream neurons.

Firing sequence : example 1

Sequence of firing :
Neuron A fires , then after a few milliseconds B fires , then after a few milliseconds C fires .
The signal from A reaches B in one "synaptic step"
The signal from A reaches C in two "synaptic steps"

Firing sequence : example 2 :

Sequence of firing :
Neuron A fires , then after a few milliseconds B & C fire at same time , then D fires, then E fires .
So it has taken 'three steps in time'(synaptic timesteps) for the signal from A to reach E
(assuming input to A,B,C,D,E cross their corresponding thresholds)

Interactive examples

Firing sequence : example 1

Firing sequence : example 2

2.6.   Temporal connections : Timed delay in neurotransmission

•   In this model, we introduce connections that incorporate a precisely timed delay in neural-signal transmission.
•  A signal through a t+1 connection reaches the target neuron in one synaptic timestep
•  A signal through a t+2 connection reaches the target neuron in two synaptic timesteps.
•  A connection can have upto t+H connections, where H is the maximum delay allowed for signal transmission for that neural circuit.
Timed delay in neurotransmission : example 1

Timed delay in neurotransmission : example 2

Sequence of firing :
Neuron A fires , then after a few milliseconds B fires , then after a few milliseconds C & D fire at same time .
Since there is a t+2 connection from A to C, the signal from A reaches C at the sametime the signal from B reaches C

2.7.   Firing frame : Representing neuron states over time

•   To help with visualizing the firing states of neurons over time, we can tabulate the output signals of neurons over time.
•   In this table, which we term as "Firing Frame", we have time in Y axis and neuron names in X axis
•   Each cell represents the output signal intensity of a neuron at specific time

Firing frame : example 1 :

In this neural circuit composed of binary neurons, (assuming that firing thresholds are met)
the sequence of firing is : A fires first, then B & C fire at same time, then D fires , and then E fires.
The output of each of these binary neurons is 1 , which is entered in the cell corresponding to the time the neuron fired.

Firing frame : example 2 :

In this neural circuit, note that the connection from A to C is a t+2 connection,
so it takes two synaptic steps for the signal from A to reach C ,upon which C fires.

Interactive examples

Temporal connections with Firing Frame: example 1

Temporal connections with Firing Frame: example 2