Part 2. The proposed Neuron model
2.1. Description of the neuron model used
- Each neuron N has a threshold θn
- Each neuron N receives input signal of intensity in
- When the input signal intensity in is greater than or equal to the neuron's threshold θn , then the neuron fires with output signal intensity On
2.2. In this neuron model, there are two types of neurons :
Binary neurons , which produce only binary output when activated;
If ia ≥ = θa , then Oa = 1 mark> ; else Oa = 0
Non-binary neurons , which produce output signal intensity equal to input when activated;
If ia ≥ = θa , then Oa = ia ; else Oa = 0
Binary neurons are represented as circles while non-binary neurons are represented as squares.
Interactive examples
Binary neuron
Non-binary neuron
2.3. Connection weights
- Connections may exist between two neurons and the strength of the connection is termed as 'connection weight'
- If neuron A has a downstream connection to neuron B , the 'connection weight' from A to B can be represented as wab
- When the neuron A sends an output signal Oa to neuron B, the signal is amplified by a factor wab
- When the input signal intensity ib is greater than or equal to the neuron B's threshold θb , then neuron B fires
- ie., the input signal to neuron B is : ib = Oa * wab
Connections in binary neurons :
Input signal to Neuron B = output signal from A * ( connection strength from A to B)
ie., ib = Oa * wab
If ib ≥ θb , then Ob = 1 ; else Ob = 0
Connections in non-binary neurons :
Input signal to Neuron B = output signal from A * ( connection strength from A to B)
ie., ib = Oa * wab
If ib ≥ θb , then Ob = ib ; else Ob = 0
Interactive example
Binary neuron with connections
Non-binary neuron with connections
2.4. Excitatory and Inhibitory connections
The signal from one neuron to another could be either excitatory or inhibitory.
An incoming inhibitory signal makes a neuron less likely to fire.
Excitatory connections have positive connection weights ,for example :
wab = 0.8
Inhibitory connections have negative connection weights ,for example :
wab = -1
Inhibitory connections :
Let Neuron B’s firing threshold θb = 1
An excitatory connection wab exists from neuron A to neuron B with connection weight 1
An inhibitory connection wcb exists from neuron C to neuron B with connection weight -1
If neuron A and neuron C fire at the same time , with output intensity 1 each, then :
Input to neuron B : ib = ( Oa * wab ) + ( Oc * wcb)
ib = ( 1 * 1 ) + (1 * -1 )
ib = 0
(The excitatory signal from A is cancelled out by the inhibitory signal from C)
Since ib < θb , neuron B doesn’t fire.
Interactive example
Inhibitory connections
2.5. Synaptic steps in a Firing sequence
In a neural circuit, all neurons do not fire at the same time.
They fire in a sequential order, depending on the way they are connected to each other.
The upstream neurons fire first, followed by the downstream neurons.
Firing sequence : example 1
Sequence of firing :
Neuron A fires , then after a few milliseconds B fires , then after a few milliseconds C fires .
The signal from A reaches B in one "synaptic step"
The signal from A reaches C in two "synaptic steps"
Firing sequence : example 2 :
Sequence of firing :
Neuron A fires , then after a few milliseconds B & C fire at same time , then D fires, then E fires .
So it has taken 'three steps in time'(synaptic timesteps) for the signal from A to reach E
(assuming input to A,B,C,D,E cross their corresponding thresholds)
Interactive examples
Firing sequence : example 1
Firing sequence : example 2
2.6. Temporal connections : Timed delay in neurotransmission
In this model, we introduce connections that incorporate a precisely timed delay in neural-signal transmission.
• A signal through a
t+1 connection reaches the target neuron in one synaptic timestep
• A signal through a
t+2 connection reaches the target neuron in two synaptic timesteps.
• A connection can have upto
t+H connections, where
H is the maximum delay allowed for signal transmission for that neural circuit.
Timed delay in neurotransmission : example 1
Timed delay in neurotransmission : example 2
Sequence of firing :
Neuron A fires , then after a few milliseconds B fires , then after a few milliseconds C & D fire at same time .
Since there is a t+2 connection from A to C, the signal from A reaches C at the sametime the signal from B reaches C
2.7. Firing frame : Representing neuron states over time
To help with visualizing the firing states of neurons over time, we can tabulate the output signals of neurons over time.
In this table, which we term as "Firing Frame", we have time in Y axis and neuron names in X axis
Each cell represents the output signal intensity of a neuron at specific time
Firing frame : example 1 :
In this neural circuit composed of binary neurons, (assuming that firing thresholds are met)
the sequence of firing is : A fires first, then B & C fire at same time, then D fires , and then E fires.
The output of each of these binary neurons is 1 , which is entered in the cell corresponding to the time the neuron fired.
Firing frame : example 2 :
In this neural circuit, note that the connection from A to C is a t+2 connection,
so it takes two synaptic steps for the signal from A to reach C ,upon which C fires.
Interactive examples
Temporal connections with Firing Frame: example 1
Temporal connections with Firing Frame: example 2