In this example :
neuron U is the "
urge" neuron triggered by an autonomous subsystem (eg: triggered by Hunger)
neuron S is the "
satiation" neuron ,triggered by an autonomous subsystem, when the urge is satisfied(eg: signal that stomach is full)
neuron C1 and
neuron C2 are the two possible voluntary motor actions that the Artificial Lifeform has the option to trigger.
neuron A is the decision neuron, which on firing, will cause either
neuron C1 or
neuron C2 to fire, with equal probability.
This is made possible by a fluctuating connection from U to A, which provides input signal of a random intensity to A,
and the random signal is passed on to B1 and B2 which have different thresholds: A weak signal to A causes only B1 and C1 to fire ; a strong signal to A causes B1,B2,C2 to fire .
5. Let us say that, in this case,
neuron C2 is the correct motor action neuron to be initiated for satiating the urge.
6. When
neuron U fires, followed by
neuron A, either C1 or C2 will be triggered.
7. In the scenario where
neuron C2 fires, a satiation signal
neuron S is activated by the autonomous subsystem.
8. As soon as the satiation neuron
S fires, it creates a new dynamic connection in the recently activated pathway A=>B2=>C2
9. The next time A fires, the dynamic connections A=>B2 and B2=>C2 increase the likelihood of C2 firing, and the "reward" pathway A=>B2=>C2 is strengthened and used everytime for urge satiation.
In this example :
neuron U is the "
urge" neuron triggered by an autonomous subsystem (eg: triggered by Hunger)
neuron P is the "
pain" neuron ,triggered by an autonomous subsystem, when an undesirable motor action is executed. (eg: proximity to heat)
neuron C1 and
neuron C2 are the two possible voluntary motor actions that the Artificial Lifeform has the option to trigger.
neuron A is the decision neuron, which on firing, will cause either
neuron C1 or
neuron C2 to fire, with equal probability.
This is made possible by a fluctuating connection from U to A, which provides input signal of a random intensity to A,
and the random signal is passed on to B1 and B2 which have different thresholds: A weak signal to A causes only B1 and C1 to fire ; a strong signal to A causes B1,B2,C2 to fire .
5. Let us say that, in this case,
neuron C2 is a neuron that triggers an undesirable motor action .
6. When
neuron U fires, followed by
neuron A, either C1 or C2 will be triggered.
7. In the scenario where
neuron C2 fires, a pain signal
neuron P is activated by the autonomous subsystem.
8. As soon as the pain neuron
P fires, it creates a new
inhibitory dynamic connection in the recently activated pathway A=>B2=>C2
9. The next time A fires, the inhibitory dynamic connections A=>B2 and B2=>C2 decrease the likelihood of C2 firing, and the alternative pathway A=>B1=>C1 is used.